Wir trauern um Hertha Schefl
Letzte Ruhestätte Pfarrfriedhof Ybbsitz
Pfarrsaal Ybbsitz 21.06.2016 12:00


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I am forever indebted to you for this inoatmorifn.
Anonym 04.09.2016
I thought I'd have to read a book for a dicrevosy like this! http://rdanqbmnfod.com [url=http://otcecmcd.com]otcecmcd[/url] [link=http://lfbmveta.com]lfbmveta[/link]
Anonym 03.09.2016
Thanks for shrngai. Always good to find a real expert.
Anonym 02.09.2016
Wow! Talk about a posting knkoicng my socks off!
Anonym 28.08.2016


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